We make ourselves available to join with you in prayer concerning your specific situation. It does not matter if you are a birth mother, birth father, birth grandparent, or someone praying to adopt. We are offering you prayer support. If you would like to have a prayer partner for the answers you are seeking, please consider us. We are not counselors nor seeking to learn intimate details about your life or circumstance. You may send us your name, request or whatever you feel comfortable with and we will pray with and for you. We are certain that God is faithful to hear our prayers and to deliver His people as they continue to trust in Him.
God is still on the throne, Almighty God is He!
We began our web site on 12/2/96 and God has poured out His grace and mercy upon us. We join with our couples in fervent prayer for results and for God's mighty hand to work out the details. God is faithful and hears the prayers of His people. As of the current date on our main page we have been online for 129 months and have had 268 successful adoptions/births associated with our service ministry. (1 of those placements/births was in 1996 [when we began Christian Adoption]; 35 in 1997 & 1998; 28 in 1999; 27 in 2000; 23 in 2001; 31 in 2002; 28 in 2003; 32 in 2004; 20 in 2005; 27 in 2006; 16 so far in 2007!)
God is at work and He is blessing His people.
For more information please read Shelly and Denise.
We encourage you to follow God's loving guidance.
A Christian ministry
that assists birth parents & Christian couples in their adoption process.
Over 10 years of family building experience!
1.800.277.7006 620.251.4405
Eddie & Deborah S. Hill P.O. Box 243 Coffeyville, KS 67337